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# Article Title Hits
181 Orbital awarded SES-8 contract 11720
182 Echostar 6 is moving to 77 West 10860
183 Hispasat 1E and Koreasat 6 launched successfully 11078
184 KA-SAT - launch success 12617
185 GSAT-5P regretfully lost 11951
186 Boeing to build 3 satellites for Mexico 11364
187 Thales to build W3D for Intelsat 11410
188 Arianespace orbited Hylas 1 and Intelsat 17 11523
189 Skyterra 1 is launched 11611
190 Proton M with Skyterra 1 is moved to launchpad 10793
191 Arianespace to launch AZERSPACE/AFRICASAT 1A 11460
192 Eutelsat statement on W3B loss 11855
193 W3B and BSAT-3b are orbited 10996
194 XM-5 successfully launched 11673
195 ILS to launch Asiasat 7 11089
196 Satellite moves 10339
197 Chinasat 6A launched successfully 12653
198 Intelsat 802 to be deorbited 11834
199 Intelsat 27 construction announced 11188
200 Satellite moves 10568
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