SatBeams - Satellite Details - Telstar 19V (Telstar 19 VANTAGE)

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Satellite Name: Telstar 19V (Telstar 19 VANTAGE)
Status: active
Position: 63° W (63° W)
NORAD: 43562
Cospar number: 2018-059A
Operator: Telesat Canada Ltd.
Launch date: 22-Jul-2018
Launch site: Cape Canaveral SFS
Launch vehicle: Falcon 9 v1.2
Launch mass (kg): 7075
Dry mass (kg): 3031
Manufacturer: Maxar Technologies (SSL/MDA)
Model (bus): LS-1300
Orbit: GEO
Expected lifetime: 15+ yrs.
Call sign: S2955
Beacon(s): 11450 H/V/R, 11452 H/V/R
Ku and Ka-band capacity to serve growing markets in Latin America, the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean and Northern Canada.
Charts: list
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